Hello everyone!

Started by DavidG, March 05, 2015, 10:15:28 PM

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My name is David, and despite being Spanish I am living in Sydney, and i am the proud owner of an Alfa GT (2005 model). I hope to get to know some of you and benefit for your knowledge and if possible try to help as much as I can.

Also i want to apologies in advance for any error I may made writing, as english is not my first language. But will try mi best!




Hello David, welcome to the Forum, the GT is a great looking car and quite practicle too.
Join your local division of the Alfa Club and talk to like minded Alfisti, so you can take part in drives and technical nights and competition, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]


Thanks Colin, i will do so!


Is your car a JTS or V-6 and can you post some pictures, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]