Hi All,
Anybody out there know where I can get an Owners manual for a 166,it would be a bitch to have to photocopy the thing.
Here :) .... http://aftersales.fiat.com/ELUM/main.aspx?page=Alfa_136_166_Libretto_Libretto_&nodeID=136201901&languageID=1&markID=2&modelID=2000007&valID=&prodID=&tipologiaID=136201901&menutipologiaID=&annoID=2006
Not sure if I got the link right, I'm on an iPad.
Save .PDF
Print out at work or leave a copy on your phone
Thanks Craig,
That got me a copy of the ICS system but I couldn't find the Owners Manual (256pg).
Google search it, it's out there.
Yes Sheldon but 256 A4 pages for the owners manual and 80 A4 pages for the ICS which I have do not fit in the glove box but original ones do!.
Ahh, fair enough.