Started by Richard-Lee, June 21, 2017, 04:07:14 PM

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Hi there, have only seen a handful of these myself, there is a red one for sale in Moonah and have seen two other black ones. They get admired wherever they go. I will keep trying the Chemi-weld as long as the mechanics (Bridgestone Select in Moonah) suggest.  So far so good, took it for a long drive last weekend, but eyes stray to temp guage constantly. If the worst happens while travelling the RACT will come to the rescue.  We cannot explain why the engine water is so dirty, but they don't want to flush this at this stage.  The bodywork is also showroom condition, the interior (red leather) not a mark on it and the engine and engine bay, you could eat your meals off these. Apart from high fuel usage (?) this model is a dream.